10 Dog Breeds that Need Extra Protection in Cold Weather

Great Dane 

Ancient artifacts with pictures of this gentle giant show that it lived in 3000 B.C. Over its big body, the breed has short hair that doesn't keep it warm wel


The hair on this breed is short, but it can get thick in the winter. People who have pets should still give them a dog coat or jacket before taking them for daily walks. Also, make sure the dog stays inside most of the day, except for play and training time.


The smallest breed is from Chihuahua, Mexico. The breed is clearly cold-sensitive because it comes from a warm desert. Chihuahuas have thin, short coats. Another type of this dog is long-coated. 


It started in China. The pug's short coat makes it susceptible to cold weather. Due to their short noses, pugs cannot pant or cool themselves well in hot temperatures. 


Their double coat is short. Undercoat is largely on neck and thighs. Winter care is essential for this breed, whether you own one or want to adopt one. It needs dog sweaters or coats to stay warm.


It originated as medium-sized guard dogs in Germany. The shiny short coat covers the sporty frame. Short hair is cold-sensitive. Boxers are brachycephalic and have breathing problems due to their short nose and flat broad head. 

Bull Dog 

England produced this breed. Short-haired bull dogs need fleece coats and sweaters to stay warm. Even Bull dogs are brachycephalic, so make sure they're comfy in summer. 


German small-game hunter. Smooth, long-haired, and wire-haired Dachshunds exist. Winter care is needed for the short-haired Smooth Dachshund. 

French Bull Dog 

English-bred tiny Bull Dog. The coat is short and flimsy. French bull dog owners in cold winters must dress their pets and keep them indoors.

Doberman Pinscher 

Guard dog from Germany. Short-coated dog breed. A little short undercoat may be present in the neck. Dobermans require warmth and protection from the cold.

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