10 Reasons Why German Shepherd is a Good Family Dog

German Shepherds are highly intelligent

German Shepherds are renowned to be smart. They learn most tasks you give them. Perhaps this is why German Shepherds make up the majority of police canines worldwide. 

German Shepherds are healthy

German Shepherds are among the healthiest dogs. Proper maintenance can extend their lifespan to 13 years. German Shepherds avoid weight issues because they exercise. 

German Shepherds are highly adaptable

German Shepherds are popular because they adapt to any lifestyle and living situation. German Shepherds prefer vast yards, but they may adjust to apartment living with proper exercise.

German Shepherds are active

German Shepherds are energetic. They can be outside all day. German Shepherds are great companions for jogging, hiking, and hunting. German Shepherds don't tire easily, so your kids can play with them all day.

German Shepherds are devoted to their familie

German Shepherds are noted for family devotion. They can be quite devoted and protective of their owners. Never know how much they adore you.

German Shepherds are loyal and protective

Great dog personality: loyalty. Strong loyalty characterizes German Shepherds. They protected their owners and other household members. German Shepherds make good guard dogs due of their loyalty and protection. 

German Shepherds are obedient and easy to train

German Shepherds are smart and can be trained for many tasks. German Shepherds train better than other breeds because they are obedient. German Shepherds excel at obedience and task training. They will follow your orders.

German Shepherd are all weather dog

German Shepherds can handle both hot and cold weather because they have two coats. They might dig a hole and lay down in the cool dirt if it's too hot outside.

German Shepherds are friendly to other pet

Most German Shepherds get along well with other pets as long as they went through the right training. They get along well with other dogs and cats. Some German Shepherds can even be kind and gentle with other pets.

German Shepherds love children

If socialized early on, German Shepherds love to play with kids. Your dog needs love, care, and respect, coupled with proper training. Avoid letting kids play with the dog while eating or alone.

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