6 Common Indications That Your Dog Is Actually In Pain

Limping and Mobility Issue

A limp is one of the easiest signs of pain in dogs, but it's not always obvious. Excited, agitated, or distracted dogs often hide lameness. Pay attention to when your dog off-weights a limb while standing or struggles to stand from a laying posture. 

Vocal Changes and Discomfort

Some dogs are more loud than others, thus this indicator of suffering must be understood individually. Whining, barking, or odd snarling when you touch a dog's body may indicate discomfort.

Aggressive Behavior Towards Other Dog

If your dog is typically sociable with other dogs but suddenly becomes reactive, he may be in discomfort. Many dogs howl or growl to protect themselves from other dogs.

Elevated Panting and Heart Rate

If your dog is typically sociable with other dogs but suddenly becomes reactive, he may be in discomfort. Many dogs howl or growl to protect themselves from other dogs. 

Changes in Appetite

Pain may cause some dogs to stop eating. There are many reasons your dog's appetite may vary. Combining some of these indications may assist establish if this is pain.

Restlessness and Difficulty Settling

Your dog may be in discomfort if he/she paces, seems restless, and can't settle. Painful dogs may stand for lengthy periods or refuse to lie down. 

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