6 Tips to Prevent Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Gradual Departures and Arrival

Dogs can be anxious about your unexpected arrival and leave. To avoid this, keep your movements quiet. Desensitize your dogs to your absence by leaving for brief durations and gradually increasing the duration. 

Set up a Routine

Dogs love routine and predictability. You may give kids security by setting a regular eating, exercise, and play regimen. Routines establish an organized environment dogs can trust, lowering separation anxiety.

Provide Mental Stimulation

Boredom can aggravate separation anxiety in dogs. So keep them amused when you're away. You should buy them engaging dog toys to keep them entertained. 

Create a Safe Space

To soothe your pet and reduce separation anxiety, gradually increase their alone time. You can train your pets to be comfortable alone by steadily increasing their time alone. 

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement helps train and manage separation anxiety in pets. For those unfamiliar, positive reinforcement rewards dogs for good behavior. You can praise your dogs for calm behavior when you enter or leave the house.

Gradual Alone Time

To soothe your pet and reduce separation anxiety, gradually increase their alone time. You can train your pets to be comfortable alone by steadily increasing their time alone.

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