6 Zodiac Signs Man Who Like To Hold Their Partners Hand


Reliable and sensual Taurus men desire stability and comfort in relationships. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, rules them, therefore they like holding hands. Taurus men enjoy holding hands and use it to bond with their spouses.


Cancer males are caring and nurturing. Since the Moon rules emotions, they value emotional ties and physical contact in relationships. Cancer males make their spouses feel protected and loved by holding hands.


Social Libra guys value harmony in relationships. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, makes them naturally amorous. Libra men hold hands to express their dedication to their mates and establish balance and unity.


Leo males are flamboyant and love showing their love in spectacular gestures. Under the Sun, the planet of self-expression, Leo males can clasp their lovers' hands with flair and drama. Leo males display their affection and protection by holding hands.


Pisces males are romantics and dreamers. They are emotional and cherish connection in relationships because Neptune, the planet of compassion and spirituality, rules them. Pisces men communicate their affection and empathy gently and profoundly by holding hands.


Practical and meticulous Virgo men demonstrate their love via service and consideration. For Virgo men, holding hands is a sign of profound emotional connection and commitment. Even small actions show their lovers they're present and attentive.


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