Starting Your First Aquarium: Step-by-Step Setup for Beginners

Cleaning the Gravel

After choosing a tank location, set up the aquarium. Put your purchased gravel in a bucket. GRAVEL MUST BE WASHED. Many novices neglect to cleanse the substrate. This can make your new tank hazy for weeks.

Placing the Substrate

Gently insert cleaned gravel in aquarium bottom. This will prevent bottom glass breakage and fine particle stirring. A smaller scoop or bucket can help. To make an even, half-inch-thick base, smooth the substrate with your hands. 

Filling up the Aquarium

Fill the tank with hose pipe (use buckets if it's small or there's no tap).De-chlorinate water after filling. Although there are no fish, chlorine and chloramines can accumulate. A good dechlorinator is essential for aquarium life. 

Choosing the Right Heater & Filter

It's not always easy to decide which heater and filter are best for your needs. Make use of this calculator to determine the required amount of filter flow and heater wattage for your aquarium.

Filter Material

Clean the filter material gently in a bucket or under the tap. They contain dust and debris from warehouse or shopfront storage, which you don't want in your tank. Avoid ripping open your filter's wool-wrapped carbon packet.

Heating and Lighting

A smaller aquarium can utilize one heater if space is limited. Two heaters are recommended. A heater that fits comfortably in the aquarium is ideal. Higher-wattage heaters conserve power and strain less.

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